Private donations are currently the only source of income for the project.
These donations help to pay for many things, including computer equipment, web space, web and database development, office supplies, postage, internet services etc.
The following is believed to be a complete list of donors to the project since
its inception in April 1997. Multiple contributors are only listed once but an asterisk marks additional donations.
We are sincerely appreciative of the financial and moral support of the following…
Nickle Family Foundation – Calgary
Dunkley Charitable Foundation
Dunkley Charitable Foundation
Smith S.H.A.R.E. Foundation (USA)
Sony UK
Kodak UK (Processing Lab, Reading, England)
Via Rail Canada
Via Rail Canada
Col. & Mrs. Ian Haldane *
Wilf & Jean Feasby **
Wilf & Jean Feasby **
Derek & Shirley Douglas ****
LCol. Dr. Eric Reid (ret)*
Robert Morris
Kenn & Sue Doerksen***
Brett Clifton**
Mr William Stavely
Peter Pichler ****
Mr William Stavely
Peter Pichler ****

9th Battalion Rifles 1885 Assoc.
A & B Hurst UK Air Vice Marshall (Ret) Ralph McBurney & Mrs Gertrude McBurney Al Soderstrom Al Watch Alexander W Hood Alice Williams Alice Woodley Allan Hadley Allan Wilkie Allen & Shirley Ronaghan Allen Hadley Andre Larocque Andrew Walker Andrew R Wilson Ann Brown Ritchie Ann Hentschel Ann Marshall Ann McGuire Anna Janigan Anne & Andrew Wales Anne Ehret Anne Geall Anne-Mae Archer Anne-Patricia Orcas Anonymous (SH) Anthony Hutchcroft Arne Kislenko Arthur Sutherland Audrey E Scott Audrey J Wilson Barb Ethier Barb Patterson Barbara & William Hall Barbara Gamble Barbara Howell Barbara H McGibbon Barbara Phillpott Barbara Savill Barbara Vininsky-Millar Bernard F Miller Jr. Bert & Winn Campbel Beth Bellar Betty Ball Bev & Wayne Pollock Beverly Rowat Bill Burns Bill Ross Blanche Reinberger Bob Kelly Bob & Joyceline McDonald Bob Marquis Bonnie Clark Bonnie Kohler Brenda & John MacDonald Brereton, Judy Brian Gough Brian & Nancy McDonald Brian Dea, Australia Brian Kempton Brian McCarthy Brian Powers Brian Tweed Brian Walford British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa Bruce & Cynthia Weir Bruce Hutchings Bruce Parker Bruce Sanford C.R. (Nipper) Guest Carol Neufeld Caron Montgomery Carrie Jaeger Catherine Moir CG Mcleod Charles & Margery Richardson Charmaine White Christine Elliott Christine Laliberte Christine Morris Christopher Barrett Christopher Cincio Christopher Murumets Clifford Moore (Maj ret) Cochrane Cleaners, Cochrane, AB Colleen Devlin Colleen O’Malley Colleen Ooms Coningsby Branch, Royal British Legion, UK Coningsby Legion Ladies, UK Craig Meyers Currie Family Dale & Don Patton Dana McWhirter Daniel Getz Danny McAfee Darcy Brason-Lediett David Andrew Peake David Avren David Boe David & Janet Andersen David & Melanie Grindlay David & Susan Sargent David Binet David Hiscocks Dave Hook David Morton David Nash UK David Peever David Smith David W Horne Davis Stanfield Dean Noakes D. Charlton Deborah Stevens Deborah Welch Dennis & Antoinette (MacDonald) Batten Derek Hamilton Dermot Baldwin Des & Jean James Diane Ferron Diane Thornquist Dianne Smith Don Desrochers Don Shep Don Stallard Donald Bent Donald Maclean Donald Moss Don & Theresa Pottie ** Donald Searle Don Stallard Donna C Mackie Doreen & Edwin Barnard Dorothy Brown Dorothy & Ken Mather Dorothy Chapman, Australia Dorothy P Ford Dorothy & Joseph Hubert Dorothy Morrison Dorothy Tremblay Dorothy Wolfe Doug Fawcett Doug Hudson Doug Kennedy Doug Moreau Doug Styles Douglas Reid Dr Eric Cresswell, UK Dr W F & Mrs C M Davidson Dr. Judy Joyce Dr. Robert D Brown Duncan Cox Earl Salter Edith & Stanley Shores Edith Harper Edna Milne EDULINX Edward & Myrna Pruden Edwin M Janke Eldred Bucci Eleanor Guest Eleanor Kendall Eleanor Todd** Elizabeth Cardoza Elizabeth O’Driscoll Epstein, Irving Eric Hall Faith Bradley-Sharpe Florence Tomlinson Fran Dobell Francis & Sharon Thompson (Thompson Family) Frank Bradley Frank Martin Frank Raeman, Belgium Fred & Mary Schifferdecker Fred Cameron G Lindsay Smith Gail Brewer Gale & Sharon Head Garnet & Roselle Reid Garnet Burke |
Gary Giddins Gary Gordon (USA) Gary Moon Garry Holland Geoff Price George D Roberts George Drew George Patenaude Georgia Bailey-Poirier Georgina Evanchow Gerald Lang Geraldine Chase Gerry Webber Giriard Ritchie Kirby Glen Hammerlindl Glenn & James Taylor Glenn J Reid Gloria Johnson Gord & Muriel Lyons Gord Lyons Gordon & Vivian Davis Gordon Foster Gordon Lyons Grace & Alf Battrick Grace Morrow Grant Fiest Gwendoline Cooke H L Bonset (Netherlands) Hall, Glen Harold Gosselin Harold Johnston Harold Murray Hector Dipersio Helen & Doug Boggie Helen & John Turner Helen Stickney Herb Cross Howard Ash Howard Clavelle Hugh O’Donnell Iain Tidmarsh *** Ian Haddon Ian Robbins Ian Watson Irene Elrose Irene Goldstone Irene Hupman Irene Staley Isabel Sperich Isabella Minchen Jackie Owchar Jack Sturiano Jacqueline Bredin Jacqueline Chainé Jacqueline Essex Jacqueline Guest James & Phyllis Passmore James Fessendon James Hood James Laird James Routh In Memory of Jamie Rossiter of Ottawa Jan & Bill Howe Jane Bremner Jane Hebert Jane Perr Janice Rabideau Janice St Louis Jason Shoji & Barbara Carson Jean Willitts Jeff Brown Jennifer Denman Jennifer Nicholls Jennifer Thomson Jim Atkinson Jim Moore Joanne & Lenny Elford Joanne Cavellin, Australia Joanne McLure Jocelyn McCreedy Joe & Colleen Rosta Joffre Barlow John & Brenda Fluelling John & Louise Lawes John Bain John Butler John Carr John Cooper John Hermans, Netherlands John McIntyre John Philpott John Obright John Potter John Tanton John Tutty Jolene Munro Jordan ? Joseph Debicki Joseph Rosta Joyce George JR Gagnon Judith Armitage Judith Salley Karen Shearer Katherine McKinnon Kathryn Wyatt Kathy & Glenn Jones Kathy Muir (USA) Kay and John Hennessy* Kellie McGlade Kelly Harrington Kelvin Herrick Kelvin Herron Ken Happel (USA) Ken Kohut Ken MacLeod Kenneth Burt Kenneth Hibbert Kerry White Kevin Davis Kevin McAuliffe Kevin Morphet Kevin Ritchie Kevin Winfield L Johnston L M Perkins Laurence & Karen Strong Lecompte, Emmet Lena Warren Leona P Roe Les Fulcher Leslie T.Askin Liesa Evans Lily & George Martin** Linda Harris Linda Wolfe Linda Woodside Lisa BH Emberson Lisa Schreiter Schumacher Liz Tait Lloyd ‘Tex’ Leugner Lord Roderick & Lady Joan Gordon Lori MacIsaac Lorne & Eileen Kloepfer Lorne Judge Lorraine Beitz Lorraine & Richard Bentham Lorraine & Tom Crawford Louise Briltz Madge Benner Malcolm Bolas Malcolm Young Malmesbury Royal British Legion, UK Marcella Burton Margaret Allan Margaret Allison Margaret Ann Kerr Margaret Antony Margaret Klonowski Margaret MacLennan Margaret Ryan Margery A Wilkins Margo Hervieux Marie Reynoldson Marilyn White Marion Dunn Marjorie Gutknecht Marjorie Hennessy Hodgins Marjorie Lloyd Mark Hifle Mark Villeneuve Mark, Paul & Gary Groleau Marlene Stapleford Marny Forrest Martha Smart Marway Militaria Mary & Joe McGuire Mary Ann & John Trendell Mary Janigan Mary Lediett Mary Mackie Melanie Fell Meredith Family, England Michael Dorosh Michael Haney Michael Hartney Michael Krawchuk Michael Mason Mildred Edwards Mildred Tweed Milton Hart, UK Minchin, Donald |
M L Edgington Mo Wallace Molly Brooke Morley Reid Mr & Mrs E Lawton Mr & Mrs Ed Kelly Mr & Mrs H Hunter Mr & Mrs P. G. Taylor Mr & Mrs Peter Cloot Mr & Mrs R W & D E Penny Mr & Mrs Ron Howard Mr and Mrs John Lewis Mr Bob Gardiner Mr Brian K Barrow Mr Glen Connolly Mr Maffre Mr Pinner, UK Mr Sean Pearson Mr. & Mrs Keith Gullons Mr. Gordon Edwards Mr. Greg Black, Showcase Embroidery Mr. William Morrow Mrs B Kean Mrs G Halsey Mrs Helen Thompson Mrs Mildred Edwards Mrs Patricia Sidaway Ms. Evelyn Addie Murray Sargeant Murray Weaver N P C Hood Nan Jaroszonek Nancy Gorrell Nancy Haines Nancy Harlow Mixon Nancy MacFarlane Nancy Vissers Nelson J Sherren Nelson Somerset Nicholas Ager Nick & Doris Koop Norma Brillinger Norman Leclair** Norman Turnbull Olga Fullerton Ontario Genealogical Society – Ottawa Branch Pamela O’Rourke Pat & Les Reid Pat Copeland Patricia Doherty Patricia Proskurniak Patricia Wallis Paul Berry Paul Campbell Paul F. Gilmore Pauline Moon Penny Sudhurst Percy Shymkiw Peri Howlett Peter & Carol Brookes Peter Clarke Peter & Eileen Core Peter & Margaret Braun Peter & Brenda Higman Peter & Stephanie Hamley Peter Henry Peter Luddington Peter Rowett Peter T. Maulé ** Philip E Brent Philip Davies Pierce, Robert Price Edith Letts R M Daly R Wallwork Ralph & Lorna Brooke Ralph McLean Randy Brown Ray & Judith (JA) Adams* Ray Dumas Ray M Williams Raymond Carr Raymond Pilote Rev. Karen Mitchell Rex Fendick RH Woodbine Rhonda Brindley Rhonda Stevenson Richard Nicol Richard Rooney Richard Shaw Richard Slater Rintoul, Brian Rob Lambert Robert & Janet Alexander Robert & Jean King Robert & Jean King Robert Allan Robert Dahl Robert Dennett Robert Dennett Robert Evans Robert Fell Robert Gill Robert J Thompson Robert Johnston Robert King Robert Leger Robert Martini Robert Mitchosky Robert Rooney Robert Spicer Robert Tallentire Robin MacLean Rodger McEachern Rodger Pitstick Roger Moncion Roger M Smith Ron Darby Ron Fallon Ron King Ron Passmore Ronald Smith Rory Grammer Rose Stamm Roy Logan Royal Canadian Legion Br 15Cochrane, AB Ruby Dusty Russ Patterson Ruth & Dale Boonstra Ruth Neadles Sally Bennett Sally Spiers Sandra & Roland Marentette Sandra Lynne Jannzen Sandra Paluc Sandy Herity Scott Hazelwood Seeber Brown Sharon Hurst Sharon Robinson Shaun Simpson Shawna & Todd Dart Sheila Burns Sheila Sharp Sheila Sharp Shirley Marie Moncrief Shirley Triffo Sid Dempsey Simon Mattacks Stella Newcombe Stephen Cole Stephen Dundis Stephen Rudowski Steve Nicklen Steve Ross Stratford Upon Avon Aircrew Assoc., UK Stuart Iverson Sue Casey Susan Nanni Susan Steenburgh Susan Warrender Sylvia Skinner Terry Wallen The Dickens Inn, Cochrane AB The Spruce Tree Theresa & Joe Winchester Therese Marie & John Rose Thomas & Amy Clements Thomas Duncan Tim Schumacher Todd Frost Tom Hoggarth Tom Rockburne Tony Wallace Tracey A Ogradnick Troy Forsythe United Way of Ottawa Valerie Wynne Van Landschoot Family, Belgium Vernon Dakin Victor Gibson Victoria L Matthews Viola Ann Portelance** W D Scott W F Davidson W Peter Schwalm W. MacDonald Walter Wroblowsky Warren Otto Wayne Foster Wayne Moulton Wayne Rorke Wendy Linham William Beacham William Clark William Cox William & Kathleen Maguire William & Susan Scott William Schwalm |
* * Star for each donation